Thursday, February 28, 2013

Pray for Souls. They Need You!

Saint Faustina wrote this entry in her diary on this day more than 70 years ago. Let us reflect on her acts of mercy for souls. Why not imitate her today by praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy to intercede for the dying.

February 28, 1937.

Today, I was undergoing the Passion of Jesus for a longer time, and thus I saw that many souls were in need of prayer. I feel that I am being completely transformed into prayer in order to beg God's mercy for every soul. O my Jesus, I am receiving You into my heart as a pledge of mercy for souls. (Diary entry 996)

Monday, February 25, 2013

Rest in God's Mercy

Pray now for Saint Faustina to intercede for you along with the Virgin Mary at the hour of your death.

February 25, 1937. I prayed earnestly for a happy death on behalf of a certain soul who was suffering much. For two weeks, she had remained between life and death. I was touched with pity for her and said to the Lord, "Sweet Jesus, if the works I am undertaking for Your glory are pleasing to You, then please take her to Yourself and let her rest in Your mercy." I was strangely reassured; and, after a short while, they came to tell me that the person who had been suffering so much had just died. (Diary entry 985)

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Jesus Listens to Us

Saint Faustina invoked the Lord constantly. Let's do the same.

Today I asked the Lord Jesus to let me meet with a certain person, and this would be a sign for me that He is calling her to this convent [which I am to found]. And I did meet her and understood that this soul has a vocation, and I asked the Lord to deign to form her Himself. I have talked to her often about a vocation; the Lord will do the rest. (Diary entry 1009)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Saint Faustina's Practices for Lent

Let's imitate Saint Faustina's actions to make our Lent holy. Even if we can do one act daily and dedicate it for the salvation of souls, Heaven will rejoice.

Sister Faustina wrote in February 1937:
Small practices for Lent. Although I wish and desire to do so, I cannot practice big mortifications as before, because I am under the strict surveillance of the doctor. But I can practice little things: first-sleep without a pillow; keep myself a little hungry; every day, with my arms outstretched, say the chaplet which the Lord taught me; occasionally, with arms outstretched, for an indefinite period of time pray informally. Intention: to beg divine mercy for poor sinners, and for priests, the power to bring sinful hearts to repentance. (Diary entry 934)

Let's pray the Chaplet with outstreched arms with the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy.